

Special Event

JMAA 特定非営利活動法人 日本メディカルアロマテラピー協会

JMAA Non profit organization japan medical aroma therapy organization


hold an event : 2020 japan medical aroma adviser qualification acquisition course


japan tokyo

講座対応言語 日本語 韓国語 中国語 英語 4か国語

available languagejapanese korean chinese english

講師 協会理事長 吉田晶一

instructor : President of the Association yoshida akikazu

日程 2020年7月18日(土)から21日(火)

毎日10時より18時 お昼1時間休憩あり・21日夜親睦会あり


schedule : 2020/7/18 sat – 7/21 tue hours : 10:00- 18:00 pm (an hour lunch break at 13:00)special gathering event held at night of 7/21

会場 〒162-0042 東京都新宿区早稲田町83  SOビルB1F


event venue : SO building B1F, 83 waseda shinjuku,Tokyo 160-0042We will contact you in advance if the venue changes

受講費・材料費・昼食代・親睦会参加費込み 500,000円


particification fee : 500,000 yen (include; tuition fee, material fee, lunch fee, and participation for event on 21)Please arrange your own air ticket and hotel by yourself




outline we will study about the essential oil ingredients. it will allow you to make your own prescriptions based on the “action, ingredients, and essential oil content” rather than managing the recipe. With only one medical aromatherapy in the world, the association has 30 years of experience, 15,000 instructors, and therapists. Currently, there are chapters in China, Korea, Thailand, and Singapore. We are looking for people from all over the world who want to study in Japan at the Olympics.

お申込み期日  2020年1月31日締め切り   定員数  20名


お振込みは   海外「中国・韓国・タイ・シンガポール」支部又は日本協会本部

※期日までに最低定員数 5名に満たない場合は中止になり、全額返金致します。

Application date : 2020/1/31capacity : 20 payee : “china, south korea, tai land or singapore Branch” or Japan Headquarters ※ If the reservation is less than 5 by the due date, this event will be canceled and the full amount will be refunded.





JMAA 特定非営利活動法人 日本メディカルアロマテラピー協会

〒162-0822 日本 東京都 新宿区 下宮比町 2-28-314

03-5227-1836     jmaaay@gmail.com

for more information : https://www.jmaa-aroma.com/five-languages-advisor-acquisition-special-lecture/ ContactJMAA Non profit organization japan medical aroma therapy organization2-28-314 shimomiyabichou shinjuku,Tokyo 162-082203-5227-1836   jmaaay@gmail.com

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